William Otis Smith invented the Steam Shovel in 1835. The steam shovel is a steam-powered dirt-moving bucket. Steam engines are controlled by human operators. Like a movable crane. The steam-powered shovel made tall buildings possible like the empire state building. Road-building in the US used steam-powered shovels.
Rowland Hill was born in England in 1795. He invented the Postage Stamp in 1838. Before the postage stamp was invented, the cost of mail depended on how much it weighed. Also, the person receiving it would have to pay for it. Now the person sending it would have to pay the price for sending mail. Stamps were introduced in the US in 1947. The mail0order catalog developed in the late 1800s.
Charles Goodyear was born in Connecticut in 1800. He invented vulcanized rubber in 1839. It was very durable and not brittle. Goodyear died in 1860. The Goodyear company was formed in 1898. It produced bicycle tires and poker chips.
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